The Valkyries Initiative, a Hit World anthology with 15 stories of female assassins – Hit World will never be the same. Click through to learn more and see the rest of the CKP publishing schedule.
On A Throne Of Corpses
The Futility of Intent, book 4 of The Anisian Convergence by Mike Wyant, Jr, is this week’s New Release. Click through to learn more and see all of the upcoming releases from CKP!
Rob’s Update: God Rest the Queen
Week 37 of 2022 Greetings all I had a number of things to talk about this week, but as I’m sure all of you have heard, Queen Elizabeth II has passed away. It is, of course, no tragedy. The death of anyone who lives until they’re 96 and is as spry and active as she […]
Never As Planned…
Ghosts of Xicotepec, the third book of the Echoes of Pangaea series by James Tarr, is this week’s new release. Click through to learn more and see all of the upcoming releases by Chris Kennedy Publishing.
Rob’s Update: September is Here!
Week 36 of 2022 Greetings all I am so excited for September this year because it’s going to be huge for me. First, coming out in only 5 days is No Game For Knights. It’s available in pre-order here: I am so pleased to be a part of this anthology. It is, of course, […]
Divided We Fall
Darkness Rising, the latest in the Last Marines Series by William Frisbee, JR is this week’s release! Stop in for the details and see the rest of the CKP upcoming schedule.
Rob’s Update: So Many New Myths
Week 35 of 2022 Greetings all I haven’t mentioned this enough, but Kayla Krantz’s 2nd in her The Witch’s Ambition series comes out on the 6th of September. Don’t remember the 1st in that series? I don’t blame you, I did an even worse job of mentioning that here, so let’s do that again. It’s […]
Unable To Remember Anything
How far would you go to remember your past?
New release by Kevin Ikenberry, and more upcoming goodness in this week’s New Release update from Chris Kennedy Publishing.
Rob’s Update: Sharpening the Saw
Week 34 of 2022 Greetings all We talked on our recording of Dudes in Hyperspace tonight of a concept Larry and Steve on The Writer’s Dojo call “sharpening the saw.” (Side note: that’s a great podcast for writers wanting to learn the craft). Sharpening the saw is taking a break so that your mind, body, […]
He thought he could sit back and relax
Just Released Coming Soon Coming Soon (Print/Ebook): “Embers and Ash,” a new Eldros Legacy novel by Marie Whittaker on August 16. “Sleeper Protocol,” a scifi novel re-release by Kevin Ikenberry on August 19. “Darkness Rising,” a new scifi novel by William S. Frisbee, Jr. on August 26. “The Ghosts of Xicotepec,” a new scifi novel […]
Rob’s Update: Recovering from Madness
Week 33 of 2022 Greetings all The second Wednesday at Pennsic includes Midnight Madness. Basically, this means we’re open until midnight, most merchants have some sort of specials, and a bunch of people plan fun things to do to turn it into a bit of a swirling, shopping festival. It’s a blast. It’s also exhausting, […]
He Just Wanted To Retire
Just Released Coming Soon Coming Soon (Print/Ebook): “The Lyons’ Pride,” a new 4HU novel by Kennedy/Wolf on August 12. “Embers and Ash,” a new Eldros Legacy novel by Marie Whittaker on August 16. “Sleeper Protocol,” a scifi novel re-release by Kevin Ikenberry on August 19. “Darkness Rising,” a new scifi novel by William S. Frisbee, […]