Kacey Ezell

Kacey Ezell has six books with CKP and publishes under the Wyld Stallions, Theogony Books, and Seventh Seal Press imprints. She has the book “Over the Night Horizon,” co-written with Nico Murray, with Wyld Stallions (as well as an appearance in the “Flights of Fantasy” anthology), she has two books in her Psyche of War series, “Minds of Men” and “The World Asunder” with the Theogony Books imprint, as well the books “Assassin” (written with Marisa Wolf), “Weaver” (written with Mark Wandrey) and “Hunter” (written with Marisa Wolf) under the Seventh Seal Press imprint. She also makes an appearance in almost all of the Four Horsemen Anthologies and has the novella Promises for the Beyond Terra Press imprint. As you may suspect, Kacey is a busy lady, especially since she’s also a full-time officer in the USAF.
Kacey Ezell was born in South Dakota in 1977. Her parents joined the US Air Force in 1984, and she grew up around the world on various military bases. When she was seven, her mother gave her a copy of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragondrums, and shortly thereafter, Kacey decided that she wanted to be a dragonrider when she grew up. In 1999, she followed her parents into the “family business” and graduated from the United States Air Force Academy before going to pilot training. As dragons were in short supply at the time, she reasoned that flying aircraft was the next best thing. She earned her wings in 2001, and has over 2500 hours in the UH-1N and Mi-17 helicopters.
From the time she was a small child, Kacey made up stories to tell to her friends and family. In 2009, while deployed to Iraq, she wrote the military-themed supernatural story “Light”, which was accepted for publication in the Baen Books anthology Citizens. She was asked to consult on John Ringo’s 2015 novel Strands of Sorrow, and wrote the cover story for the Black Tide Rising anthology set in Ringo’s zombie apocalypse universe. That story, “Not in Vain” was selected for inclusion in the “Year’s Best Military SF and Adventure Fiction” anthology produced by Baen Books.
Kacey writes science fiction, fantasy, horror, noir, romance… etc. fiction. She lives with her husband, two daughters, and two cats. Learn more about Kacey at her website.