Just Released
Admiral Robert O’Hara once commanded the Lunar Free State’s fleet, but he’s finding that leading the nation as Chief Executive requires different skills, as well as an entirely different mindset. The confrontation between the LFS and the Confederated Nations of Earth continues, but now it includes a race to build colonies on Xanadu, a competition that has strained Luna’s financial resources to the limit.
Luna is feeling the pinch, and a group calling itself the “loyal opposition” has challenged O’Hara’s policies in both the Lunar Directorate and TerraCorp’s Executive Committee. On the surface, they’ve stayed within constitutional limits, but behind the scenes a plot is brewing that may alter the very fabric of the Lunar Free State.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon (Print/Ebook):
- “New Empires,” a new scifi novel by William S. Frisbee, Jr. on January 24.
- “House of Owls,” a new fantasy novel by Jon R. Osborne on January 27.
- “Opening Moves,” a new scifi novel by Chris Kennedy on January 31.
- “Interstellar Pawn,” a new scifi novel by Dawn Chapman on February 7.
- “The Feasting of Vengeance,” a new 4HU novel by Rob Howell on February 14.
- “Any Given Doomsday,” a new scifi novel by Michael LaVoice on February 21.
- “Reunion,” a new scifi novel by Chris Kennedy on February 28.
- “Gaining the Edge,” a new scifi novel by Chris Kennedy on March 14.
- “Interstellar Gambit,” a new scifi novel by Dawn Chapman on March 21.
- “Bound and Determined,” a new scifi novel by Michael LaVoice on March 28.
- “Hero’s Destiny,” a new scifi novel by Fred Hughes on April 4.
- “Reversal,” a new scifi novel by Chris Kennedy on April 11.
Coming Soon (Audio):
- “Daughter of the King,” a new scifi novel by Ezell/Kennedy, in mid-January 2025.
- “Interstellar Pawn,” a new scifi novel by Dawn Chapman, on February 7, 2025.
- “Reunion,” a new scifi novel by Chris Kennedy, on February 28, 2025.
- “The Conqueror’s Promise,” a new scifi novel by Ezell/Kennedy, in mid-March 2025.
- “Interstellar Gambit,” a new scifi novel by Dawn Chapman, on March 21, 2025.
- “Reversal,” a new scifi novel by Chris Kennedy, on April 11, 2025.
- “Remnants of Empire,” a new scifi anthology by Ezell/Kennedy, in early June, 2025.
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