Just Released

Some are born weird, some achieve weirdness, and others have weirdness thrust upon them.
– Not Bill Shakespeare, but you get the idea.
The grimoire you hold in your hands (tentacles? pincers?) contains thirteen twisted tales of freaky fantasy, grim gothic, paranormal peculiarities, ominous omens, and supernatural sci-fi.
Whether you like your fantasy darker than black coffee, your multi-verse meta-mischief light as whipped topping, or your sci-fi with Lovecraftian sprinkles, something contained within this tome ought to tickle your taste buds.
Just when you thought everything was going along quite normally…then it got weird.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon (Print/Ebook):
- “The House Between Worlds,” a new urban fantasy novel by Jon R. Osborne on October 26.
- “Harbinger,” a new 4HU Peacemaker novel by Kevin Ikenbery on October 29.
- “It Takes More Kinds,” a new Salvage anthology edited by Steverson/Kennedy on November 1.
- “A Nest of Stars,” a new Salvage Universe story by Matt Novotny on November 5.
- “Talons & Talismans Two,” a new fantasy anthology edited by Howell/Kennedy on November 9.
- “In the Service of Luna,” a new scifi novel by John E. Siers on November 12.
Coming Soon (Audio):
- “Department 9,” a new Chimera Company by Tim C. Taylor on October 27(ish)
- “Redacted Vice,” a new 4HU novel by Ikenberry/Steverson on November 23.
- “Relations,” a new Fallen World novel by Brisco Woods on February 22, 2022.
- “Pacific Shogun,” a new Fallen World novel by Jamie Ibson on June 21, 2022.
- “Wildcat,” a new Fallen World novel by William Joseph Roberts on August 9, 2022.
- “Blue Salvation,” a new Fallen World novel by Benjamin Tyler Smith on October 4, 2022.
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