- Available in: Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Print
- Pages: 239
- Published: August 3, 2021
A Fragile Peace…For Now…
The alien encounter at the Battle of Mars left all sides in disarray and horror. The cease-fire between worlds could be the beginning of lasting peace…or a pause to prepare for the next war.
In the interim, the Jovian Republic sends a carrier task force to patrol the worlds of the inner system, seeing to the security of the smaller worlds, opening up new diplomatic negotiations, and searching for the hidden forces of the Saturnine Union still waging a secret war against Jupiter.
Jovian Angel Pilot Michael Vance is called upon to serve again, now in a fully modern Cherubim-class exo-frame. Commander Vance is at home in nearly any combat environment, but now he must also deal with the hidden threats inherent to diplomacy, espionage, and covert warfare.
Clearing out hidden Saturnine forces in the asteroids, in the depths of Mercury, and hidden in the sun’s blinding glare are only the beginnings of his problems as the task force’s primary mission will the escorting a diplomatic envoy to the deadly hotbed of intrigue and treachery that is Venus.
At least in the last battle he knew who the enemy was…
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